In Commemoration of our 100th Anniversary
A 100th anniversary is a real milestone. Like any milestone it becomes a time to pause and reflect. A time to reminisce about the past, appreciate the present and dream of the future. A huge part of Brockie Donovan’s longevity and success is due to you, our loyal community. In keeping with the true spirit of community we are proud to announce the creation of the Brockie Donovan Senior’s Care Legacy Fund, which will be managed by the Brandon and Area Community Foundation. On the occasion of our 100th anniversary, we were proud to make an initial donation of $50,000 to the fund and will augment it in the years to come by contributing to the fund for each family that we serve. The Brockie Donovan Senior’s Care Legacy Fund will support seniors in our community through programs that focus on their health and well-being. We think giving is the perfect way to commemorate our Centennial Anniversary and to say Thank You for your years of trust and support.
The purpose and mandate of the Brockie Donovan Senior’s Care Legacy Fund is to:
- Offer support, assist and enhance the lives of seniors living in our community
- Bring awareness and focus to projects and initiatives that enable high-impact change in the seniors' health and wellness system
- To assist in community response to emerging needs for the well–being of seniors in the Brandon and Westman community
Brandon Area Community Foundation
The Brockie Donovan Senior’s Legacy Care Fund is managed by the Brandon Area Community Foundation, which was established by an Act of Incorporation in 1965 and is currently a member of the Community Foundations of Canada, the national network for community foundations in Canada. For more information about The Brockie Donovan Senior’s Care Legacy Fund, or to make a donation, please click here.
Should you wish to submit a grant application for the Brockie Donovan Senior's Care Legacy Fund, please note the submission deadline is late September of each year. For further information and to access the application form please click here.