Plant a tree in memory of Ben
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11 tree(s) planted in memory of Ben Hernandez
Dean & Janet Jago & Family planted 3 trees in memory of Ben Hernandez
Thursday, November 2, 2023
3 trees were planted in memory of
Ben Hernandez

In memory of Ben who is sadly missed by all that knew him. Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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Sharon Shepherd, Dan, Blake and Kirk Dechka planted 3 trees in memory of Ben Hernandez
Wednesday, October 25, 2023
3 trees were planted in memory of
Ben Hernandez

Deepest sympathy and hugs We will miss that happy and caring soul. Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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Christel Loll planted a tree in memory of Ben Hernandez
Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Benny, Thank you for the moments of disciplined care and for helping me harness the skills that helped me become who I am today. I'll always remember. Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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The Rees Family (friends of Val & Ross) planted a tree in memory of Ben Hernandez
Sunday, November 5, 2023

Debbie, family and extended family, we are so sorry for your loss. We are sending our sincere condolences to everyone. Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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Gus Tsouras posted a condolence
Saturday, November 4, 2023
I had the pleasure of knowing Ben within the hospitality industry. From the first time I met Ben, it was evident he was doing what he was meant to do. Ben was the perfect host to whom ever entered the establishment. Ben set the bar high.
Carma Byczkowski posted a condolence
Friday, November 3, 2023
Debbie and family. Although I was not able to attend the reception for Ben yesterday my thoughts were with you and your family. The community has lost a great man but more importantly many have lost a great friend. He was a friendly face, a listening ear and spoke from the heart. He has been so supportive to not only me but my family. His smiling face is missed. It is so difficult to understand the reason for Ben's death but what we do understand is he left a mark on so many hearts and he left us with memories that we will never forget. Take care of yourselves and my hope for you is that you feel his spiritual presence everyday
Louise Lamont posted a condolence
Wednesday, November 1, 2023
Ben was a truly special person. I often ask myself what is our purpose in life and how will we know….? Ben and his family entered the Brandon community and made their mark in the hospitality industry. Ben and his family and employees always treated You like you were a “special guest “ whether it be at the restaurant or at a catering event. That is truly a gift that was received by many and I know will continue with his family and employees.Thank you Ben for noticing everyone! Well done Ben, your legacy will live on. Rest In Peace.
Louise & Scott Lamont
Bill Turner posted a condolence
Sunday, October 15, 2023
Debbie and family
I’m not certain what amused Ben the most? Perhaps my constant complaint about there never being any parking spots close to the restaurant or maybe my on-going complaint about the fact that he insisted on putting walnuts in his bread pudding - my favourite dessert, but without the walnuts? It also could have been my feeble attempt at speaking Spanish?
Ben had the unique talent of making everyone who came to his restaurant feel "special" and he was the kind of person one immediately liked after the first handshake. For us, his food was just part of the reason we went to Benny’s. It was the fact that Ben was there and that he took time to drop by our table for a visit and that members of his immediate family were there too and they often had a visit with us as well. Simply put, it was a place of comfort, a place of friendship. Something else I appreciated was Ben’s support of local musicians at Remington’s and later at Benny’s. I think he may have passed along his sense of humour to Liz who greeted me one evening at Remington’s with, "start the party, the accordion player’s here"! After taking over the restaurant, Ben gave me permission to continue doing "drive-by accordion ambushes" there as I had done for the previous owners!
It’s taken me a couple of weeks to put my thoughts together and to realize the huge hole Ben’s absence will leave in so many lives, None as large as the one he leaves in his immediate and extended family. To them we extend our sincere and heartfelt
condolences and a wish that the sadness you feel today will one day be replaced by the mainly happy memories you all have in common.
Best regards,
Joyce and Bill Turner
Anonymous planted a tree in memory of Ben Hernandez
Sunday, October 15, 2023

Our sincere condolences Deb, Liz, and Nat from the Neighborhood Wiebe Family Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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carla posted a condolence
Saturday, October 14, 2023
It's been two weeks since your passing Ben and I'm still at a loss. I can hear your laughter, I can see your smile. I know you will be watching over Deb, Liz, Nat, Tanner and your handsome grandsons. You left a legacy my friend.
Always in our hearts,
Melissa Ewasiuk uploaded photo(s)
Friday, October 13, 2023

Our condolences go out to your family. Ben was a special person with a caring soul which made every visit or meal a treat to experience. Your family and Ben especially will forever hold great memories and experiences for both Ken and I and all the visitors that got to experience our carriage rides followed by the meal prepared by Bennys
He will greatly be missed by all.
Martha Montoya planted a tree in memory of Ben Hernandez
Thursday, October 12, 2023

Estaras Siempre en Nuestros Corazones. You Will Always Be in Our Hearts. Martha (sister) & family; Jaime, Andres Montoya, Elizabeth & Clay Stewart Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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Pat Smith posted a condolence
Wednesday, October 11, 2023
Ben was Brandon's "treasure"! The most wonderful fella who always went above and beyond for his customers and his family. He was such a great community supporter. That smile will never be forgotten. Deb, Natalie, and Elizabeth and family, know that you will be in our thoughts as we all try to move on without Ben.
Pat Smith
Bobbi-Jo Flannigan posted a condolence
Wednesday, October 11, 2023
Debbie, Family and Benny's Staff;
It has taken me some days to decide what to say! A man who lite up our day when we saw him in town or at Benny's. Scott and I were saying; on tough days we would go there just to see Ben and have a wonderful meal.
Being in a business club with him for many years actually made getting up at 7am not so painful..lol! As I looked forward to our visits and hugs.
Right now life doesn't seem fair to have taken such a fine fellow! Within the community we have had so many conversations on WHY? What a loss to our city. But we find peace that he isn't suffering and at rest! And know he is still taking care of everyone and every thing.
Our thoughts will be with you during these grieving days and always! Grief is never gone; we just learn to live with it and SMILE when we think of our loved ones.
Scott and Bobbi-Jo Flannigan
Aleca posted a condolence
Wednesday, October 11, 2023
I'm so sorry for your loss Elizabeth, Natalie, Debbie and family! Ben was such a sweetheart! Life isn't fair for the good to die young! One day we will all reunite when it's our time to go! Hugs! Hang in there!
Heather Thomas posted a condolence
Tuesday, October 10, 2023
We are shocked and saddened to hear of Ben’s passing. We loved going for lunches and our staff Christmas parties. Ben always made time for us and pretty much knew exactly what we wanted to order. To Debbie and family, as well as Ben’s staff and friends, we send our love and condolences from the Cutting Edge crew.
Thomson posted a condolence
Monday, October 9, 2023
Condolences to the Hernandez Family! Ben always greeted you with a big smile when ever you seen him. He will be so missed by the community of Brandon.
The Thomson’s
Colleen Robbins posted a condolence
Monday, October 9, 2023
My Deepest Condolences to Ben Family and Work Family. Ben was a great man. Will be missed by many. His contagious Smile, always enjoyed our visits.
Colleen Robbins
Maria McIntyre posted a condolence
Monday, October 9, 2023
Beńs huge smile and bilingual greeting will be missed by so many.
It was always a great celebration going to a restaurant where he was present.
Estas en el cielo.
Maria del Pilar Lopez
Pat (just a customer) posted a condolence
Sunday, October 8, 2023
My deepest sympathies to Ben's family. He was such a dear man to work with when we catered from any place he worked. I was so pleased for him when he opened his restaurant and was never disappointed by his service, hospitality and genuine desire to make our meals and experience the best. He will be so missed by our community. Blessings to his family and friends.
Doug Murray posted a condolence
Saturday, October 7, 2023
Debbie, Elizabeth and Natalie
So sorry to hear of Ben's sudden passing. I have so many fond memories of Ben from the many dinners, parties and celebrations you have helped us with over the years. His passing will create a void for not only you and your family but the Westman Community as a whole.
I wish you the best as you struggle with your grieving process. He will be sorely missed!
Doug and Laurie Murray
Westman & Area Traditional Christmas Dinner posted a condolence
Saturday, October 7, 2023
We are so very sad to hear about your loss. Our deepest condolences go out to all of Ben’s family.
Ben will be missed by so many.
Thank you for all the help you gave me over the years.
The Westman & Area Traditional Christmas Dinner
Susan Majcher posted a condolence
Saturday, October 7, 2023
My heart is sad for the Hernandez family. Ben brought so much joy to his family and to life around him as he treated everyone like family. May you have beautiful memories and take the time to look after each other in this time. Our sympathies Will and Susan Majcher
Brian,Sonja,Thomas and Kristelle Harper posted a condolence
Friday, October 6, 2023
Oh my Crazy Colombian! The sadnesses we have in our hearts for Debbie, Liz, Natalie, Tanner, Lucas and Calder is great. There are really no words. Thank You Ben for just not talking the talk but you walked the walk. Thank You for making people feel special. Thank You for fulfilling your dream of owning your own restaurant and making it a success. Many people were able to share that dream with you and we all felt your appreciation. Your staff have a huge hole but you taught them well. Our hearts go out to them as well. Your smile and laugh will never be forgotten because we saw and heard it so many times. Rest Easy Ben ❤️

A Memorial Tree was planted for Ben Hernandez
Friday, October 6, 2023

We are deeply sorry for your loss ~ the staff at Brockie Donovan Funeral & Cremation Services Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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The family of Ben Hernandez uploaded a photo
Friday, October 6, 2023

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